BPMN 2.0 Handbook Second Edition
Updated and expanded
Print Edition is here: Retail: $75.00 Pay only $56.25 Use discount code BPMN22-P on checkout.
Weight: 1.3 lb, Size: 7″x10″ Length: 306 pages.
ISBN: 978-0-9849764-0-9
Digital Edition is here: Retail $75.00 Pay only $56.25 (no discount code required).
9MB zipped PDF, 310 pages. Download complete book immediately, enjoy color graphics, live URL links, searchable PDF text and more.
Following the ground-breaking body of work in the BPMN 2.0 Handbook First Edition in 2010, this Second Edition is greatly expanded with substantial new content and chapters updated to the latest advances in this important standard. Every chapter from the First Edition was closely examined by its authors and updated to the very latest information. Contains six completely new chapters with another 50 pages added!
Authored by members of WfMC, OMG and other key participants in the development of BPMN 2.0, the BPMN 2.0 Handbook Second Edition assembles industry thought-leaders and international experts.
The authors examine a variety of aspects that start with an introduction of what’s new and updated in BPMN 2.0, and look closely at interchange, best practices, analytics, conformance, optimization, choreography and more from a technical perspective. The authors also address the business imperative for widespread adoption of the standard by examining best practice guidelines, BPMN business strategy and the human interface including real-life case studies. Other critical chapters tackle the practical aspects of making a BPMN model executable and the basic timeline analysis of a BPMN model.
In addition to free bonus chapters and extra material supplied by authors, the BPMN 2.0 Companion website contains BPMN and XPDL Verification/Validation files, webinars, videos, product specs, tools, free/trial modelers etc. This gives readers exposure to a larger resource on BPMN 2.0 and XPDL than a book alone can offer.

Social BPM
Work, Planning and Collaboration Under the Impact of Social Technology
Print Edition is here : Retail: $59.95 Pay only $47.95 Use discount code SOCBPM on checkout.
Size: 7″x 10″ Length: 234 pages Weight 1lb
ISBN: 978-0-9819870-8-8
Digital Edition is here: Retail $59.95 Pay only $49.95 (no discount code required).
250 pages, 8.5mb downloadable PDF file. Download complete book immediately, enjoy color graphics, live URL links, searchable PDF text and more.
Free BONUS CHAPTER (not in Social BPM Print Edition)
by Dirk Draheim, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Business Process Management and Workflow are, by their very nature, social activities. The collaboration and communication patterns that are now increasingly referred to as “social computing” were also fundamental to the BPM and workflow models of the early 1990s. Yet it has been the recent explosion of social computing and accompanying success of social production, from Linux to Wikipedia, and Facebook to Twitter, which has the most dramatic impact collaboration in business environments.
Read the complete Table of Contents and Chapter Abstracts
Today we see the transformation of both the look and feel of BPM technologies along the lines of social media, as well as the increasing adoption of social tools and techniques democratizing process development and design. It is along these two trend lines; the evolution of system interfaces and the increased engagement of stakeholders in process improvement, that Social BPM has taken shape.
As explained by WfMC Fellow Dr. Michael zur Muehlen, “If you only focus on streamlining process execution and making it as efficient as possible the social aspect diminishes. But if you consider process discovery, the development of a shared understanding of what your operations look like, and monitoring your process environment, then social plays a big role. Social is all about providing context, a rich environment of data points that a streamlined workflow would be lacking otherwise. The challenge is to make this context useful, both from a social networking perspective and from an unstructured data perspective.”

Taming the Unpredictable
Real World Adaptive Case Management: Case Studies and Practical Guidance
Print Edition is here: Retail: $49.95 Pay only $31.97 – 36% discount. (no discount code required)
Size: 7″x 10″ Length: 240 pages Weight 1.0 lb
ISBN: 978-0-9819870-8-8
Digital Edition is here: Retail $44.95 Pay only $22.50 (50% discount) for limited time in association with ACM Awards. Use Discount Promo Code ACM12 .
250 pages, 8.5mb zipped PDF file. Download complete book immediately, enjoy color graphics, live URL links, searchable PDF text and more.
Highly predictable work is easy to support using traditional programming techniques, while unpredictable work cannot be accurately scripted in advance, and so requires the involvement of the workers themselves. Aiding knowledge workers, enabling real productivity gains, comes from both automating repetitive work where possible, while facilitating the less predictable, more dynamic work modes requiring the flexibility to be defined according the circumstances and context of a given moment in time.
Full Table of Contents and download complete book
Adaptive Case Management (ACM) assists the knowledge worker to apply know-how and make decisions. One core adaptable quality of ACM is support for goal-seeking and goal-driven processes, where goals can be modified “in flight” by the knowledge worker. Similarly, knowledge captured during the performance of the case can support the identification and creation of new processes or case rules, without requiring IT/developer involvement.
This important book follows the ground-breaking publication, “Mastering the Unpredictable.” Where Mastering the Unpredictable focused foremost on connecting the dots on why empowering knowledge workers is so critical today, Taming the Unpredictable presents a series of case studies and treatises on how this should be done. Although many of the same authors are represented in both texts, what has transpired in less than two years has been the global coalescence of ideas and activities that has positioned ACM as arguably the most critical bridge across the Business/IT divide.
Download complete Digital Edition at limited time 50% discount in conjunction with the ACM Awards